Peaches and Cream Porridge

Peaches and Cream Porridge

When I was a kid we used to eat instant Quaker Oat oatmeal - in all the gloriously flavored varieties. "Peaches and Cream" was my favorite. I cringe at the thought of eating that much sugar, artificially flavored ingredients and non-sprouted grain in the morning - not to mention feeding that to my children!

Our blood sugar does so much better with a high fat and protein morning meal after "fasting" overnight, but there is something about the comfort of warm cereal that I crave once in a while...

So I got to work developing this gluten-free recipe - loaded with easy-to-digest sprouted millet and abundant healthy fats to keep you (and your blood sugar) satisfied for the whole morning.

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Pesto (Baseline Recipe to Use Up A Surplus of Leafy Greens!)

Pesto (Baseline Recipe to Use Up A Surplus of Leafy Greens!)

Pesto offers a concentrated source of nutrition - micro and macro-nutrients. Plus, it will soothe inflammation, cleanse via the inclusion of fresh lemon and garlic and offer comprehensive nourishment for hormone balance. This baseline recipe will give you a template for creating delicious pesto with whatever ingredients you have on hand. Please report back on any creations you fall in love with!

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Chicken Liver Pate [Recipe]

Chicken Liver Pate [Recipe]

In my previous post, I shared all the wonderful benefits of eating liver. In truth, my overwhelming love of liver resides mostly in how abundantly this food has changed my life - not because of how much I enjoy eating it. The flavor is, well, acquired (at best), and I've struggled to find ways to include it that taste truly delicious. My clients have too. In fact, it's probably the most common question I get - how do I cook liver?

If this thought is familiar for you, then this post (and recipe) are for you.

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Kidney Jing and Creative Expression In Winter

Kidney Jing and Creative Expression In Winter

The winter season is affiliated with the Water Element in Chinese Medicine - a very auspicious and deeply soul-searching energy. Learn how this element connects us to our foundation for health on emotional, energetic, and physical levels by cultivating our true essence (jing) and paving the way for creative expression in alignment with our highest potential.

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Rosemary: Eight Reasons To Use It and One Delicious Recipe

Rosemary: Eight Reasons To Use It and One Delicious Recipe

A common culinary herbs - especially during the holidays - Rosemary has a lot more to offer than simply good taste. From immune health to improving brain function, it is really a superb herbal friend. In this post, you'll learn the most common culinary and therapeutic ways to use rosemary, eight reasons why you'd want to and a delicious (and super simple!) recipe for Rosemary Pulled Pork.

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The Metal Element (+ Recipe)

The Metal Element (+ Recipe)

This is an auspicious time of year - for both our physical and spiritual health. Autumn is ruled by the Metal Element, bringing clarity and inspiration, along with grief and vulnerability. It is both cutting and tender, often manifesting in emotional turmoil or decreased immunity. The Metal Element relates to the Lung and Large Intestine organs, making these areas particularly susceptible to ailments this time of year (think of that pesky cough that just won't quit, or chronic digestive symptoms).

Let's dive in to understand a bit more about the Metal Element as it relates to our health, finishing with one of my favorite Metal Element Recipes: Roasted Pears with Honey.

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The BEST Buckwheat Pancakes

The BEST Buckwheat Pancakes

These gluten-free, grain-free, sprouted and slightly soured pancakes are made using whole buckwheat groats...and they really are the best! We always have a bunch in our freezer so we can enjoy pancakes on those days we don't have time to cook them. They are easy, nutritious and delicious - my little girls eat them up just about as fast as my husband and I do. Enjoy!

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