Surrender Into Metal

Surrender Into Metal

Moving from the momentum of summer, through the grounding of Earth, we arrive at one of my favorite seasons - Autumn - ruled by the Metal element. A time of year great for letting go of waste in your life (physical and meta-physical) and cleaning up the temple of your body.

But, what does it actually mean to "let go"? And how do we know if we are doing it? These are questions attuned with the precision of Metal, offering up the perfect opportunity to practice mastering the opposing forces of action and surrender.

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The Metal Element (+ Recipe)

The Metal Element (+ Recipe)

This is an auspicious time of year - for both our physical and spiritual health. Autumn is ruled by the Metal Element, bringing clarity and inspiration, along with grief and vulnerability. It is both cutting and tender, often manifesting in emotional turmoil or decreased immunity. The Metal Element relates to the Lung and Large Intestine organs, making these areas particularly susceptible to ailments this time of year (think of that pesky cough that just won't quit, or chronic digestive symptoms).

Let's dive in to understand a bit more about the Metal Element as it relates to our health, finishing with one of my favorite Metal Element Recipes: Roasted Pears with Honey.

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