Wellness Consults From the Comfort of Your Home

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When I left my private practice in Midtown, Manhattan and moved with my family to rural Idaho in 2016 - I began working remotely with many of my clients. This allowed us to stay connected, and continue their healing journey through systems other than Acupuncture. Since, I have witnessed firsthand the profound results that happen through a long-distance professional relationship.

Along the way, I’ve expanded my reach and maintained a consistent remote practice with women throughout the world - many of whom I’ve never met in person. And since the recent global impact of COVID-19 - I’m now exclusively working with clients remotely.

What excites me about this way of interacting with clients is that it provides:

  • more time one-on-one

  • connection without commuting

  • framework for understanding underlying patterning + habits

  • a deeper look at lifestyle techniques and daily practices to support healing

  • self-care rituals as tools for transformation

  • how to use your own kitchen as a pharmacy

  • self-trust in your bodies innate capacity for healing

  • a more focussed herbal approach

The last one in that list is what lights-me-up most.

Botanical Medicine

Most people don’t know that the main reason I enrolled for my Masters in Chinese Medicine was to study herbal medicine. By that time in my life, I had experienced the life-changing effects of TCM herbal preparations for anxiety and acne, interned at an herbal dispensary in China, managed a Chinese Herbal Pharmacy in downtown Minneapolis, and was able to identify over 150 Chinese Medicinals in their native Mandarin language.

For me, the Acupuncture education was secondary.

I’ll admit, since graduating over ten years ago, I’ve come to love acupuncture - both what I’ve seen it do for clients, and my own experience receiving regular sessions. But, it’s not the only way…and, can be a barrier to care for those who:

  • don’t have access to an Acupuncturist in their area

  • are already spread too thin with their appointment schedule

  • have a debilitating phobia of needles

  • cannot meet face-to-face safely

With the arm of acupuncture removed and a heavier reliance on herbal intervention in my remote work, I’ve witnessed amazing results. From acute infections to chronic conditions, an herbal approach is not only a safe and effective way to resolve symptoms without causing other side-effects - but a profound catalyst for transformation and personal growth.

Thanks to compounding pharmacies like Crane, herbs can be prepared and shipped out in a matter of days, if not hours. I’ve maintained an active National Board Certification in Chinese Herbal Medicine for the past 10 years, and obtained further education in Western Herbal Medicine and Flower Essences and am a strong advocate on how to use herbs in daily life through food and tea rituals.

Beyond Herbs

Not every remote consult results in herbal prescriptions. Our calls offer a space for healing + transformation in and of themselves, and will highlight a variety of other interventions to effect change. No matter what you are “coming in for,” you will always leave with practical tools for moving forward - many of which are already available to you.

You’ll also have my support over text and email after our call, or between our sessions. This allows for us to course-correct along the way, potentiating positive effects.

For clients who engage in regular remote sessions, we are able to integrate deeper emotional and spiritual components to healing. It is my sincere belief that symptoms are signals from your body, and connecting to this internal dialogue ignites the healer within - which is far more potent than any physician or outside intervention.

What to Expect


If you’ve worked with me in person before, you can expect our video calls to be much the same layout - with slightly more time to dive deeper into symptom presentation, self-care practices and Chinese Medicine root-cause differentiation. Our calls take place over my EHR platform, and are HIPAA compliant.

Most clients transitioning from in-person to video-consults imagine we won’t have enough to talk about…for this reason, I’m available for 30-min consults if you are a pre-existing client. However, the majority of my clients end up shifting to the one-hour call over time because it is amazing the therapeutic results we can have on the call alone.

For chronic conditions, regular sessions weekly, bi-monthly or monthly are most beneficial. For acute symptoms or seasonal wellness, sessions can be scheduled as-needed.

At the end of each call you’ll receive a detailed email with suggestions for moving forward. This may include:

  • Nutritional Guidelines

  • Food-As-Medicine Prescriptions

  • Supplement Recommendations

  • Herbal Formula Recommendations

  • Custom Compounded Herbal Remedies

  • Lifestyle Practices

  • Movement Practices

  • Meditation Practices

  • Daily Affirmations in Alignment with your Goals

  • Next Steps in Treatment Strategy

But don’t just take my word for it. Click here for a myriad of client testimonials.

Book Your Session

If you are a new client, please book a one-hour call. Once scheduled, you’ll receive confirmations and initial paperwork to be completed online. Payment is due after our session.

If you are an existing client, you may choose to book either a 30-min or a 60-min call. If it has been over a year since we’ve worked together, please use the one-hour call option.

I look forward to “seeing” you soon!



Insatiable Interview with Ali Shapiro

When holistic nutritionist and integrative health coach Ali Shapiro contacted me to be on her "Insatiable" podcast - I instantly blushed. Me? You see, I've been following Ali's work for years, and continue to be inspired by not only her knowledge but her frank enthusiasm for healing ourselves from the root. She's a total powerhouse.

It is my deep-held belief that we need to collectively change the conversation about female-fertility to encompass all phases of life - NOT just baby-making. Our conversation does just that - with a strong emphasis on peri- and post menopause transitions. I've never done an interview like this - I hope you find it insightful and please pass along to women in your life who might benefit.

Listen to the full episode here.

Guest Post: How I Deal With My Rage

Guest Post: How I Deal With My Rage

It is such a pleasure to introduce Molly Caro May - author of the book 'Body Full Of Stars: Female Rage and My Passage Into Motherhood' - coming out later this month. In her personal story, she covers the important topic of post-partum emotions like anger and rage - an under-supported (and under-discussed) experience for many women.

As a mother of three (pumping milk as I write this intro) and in my work with women of all ages, I am passionate about the topic of female emotional health - to find effective ways to use strong emotions as a tool for growth and move through them.

Molly does so beautifully in her book, and has gifted us a bit of that journey below. Enjoy her prose and practical tips for navigating the uncertain waters of female rage. Whether you are a mother or not, this information is deeply vital.

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Surrender Into Metal

Surrender Into Metal

Moving from the momentum of summer, through the grounding of Earth, we arrive at one of my favorite seasons - Autumn - ruled by the Metal element. A time of year great for letting go of waste in your life (physical and meta-physical) and cleaning up the temple of your body.

But, what does it actually mean to "let go"? And how do we know if we are doing it? These are questions attuned with the precision of Metal, offering up the perfect opportunity to practice mastering the opposing forces of action and surrender.

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Brunch At My Place

Brunch At My Place

I have a deep appreciation for food, and aim to integrate the wisdom from various lineages to create the most optimal nourishment plan for myself, my family, and my clients. This post takes an honest peek into what a brunch at my place looks like (with a very special guest), links to some fabulous recipes, and the essential tricks I've found to be the most useful to uplevel nutrient density while not ignoring comfort, decadence and taste.

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Finding Yin in the Tetons: Featured Article in New Wu Magazine


This month, on August 21st 2017, there will be a total-eclipse of the sun - the first one visible from the United States since 1979. And, Jackson WY happens to be one of the strategic locations for complete visibility of this rare celestial event. 

If you are lucky enough to be in the Jackson Hole area during this month, pick up a copy of New Wu Magazine and check out my featured article "Finding Yin in the Tetons." Or, if you won't be traveling to this neck of the woods, you can read it online here - page 49.

Herb Safety in Pregnancy

I found herbal remedies to be incredibly helpful during my pregnancies - from common complaints like digestive upset, insomnia, swollen ankles and varicose veins. But, there is a lot of conflicting information out there on herb safety and efficacy during the unique time of pregnancy. I tried to lay it all out for you so you can make an informed choice if (and when) herbs are an appropriate supportive pregnancy tool.

This article was published on Kelly Brogan MD's website, read the full text here.