Insatiable Interview with Ali Shapiro

When holistic nutritionist and integrative health coach Ali Shapiro contacted me to be on her "Insatiable" podcast - I instantly blushed. Me? You see, I've been following Ali's work for years, and continue to be inspired by not only her knowledge but her frank enthusiasm for healing ourselves from the root. She's a total powerhouse.

It is my deep-held belief that we need to collectively change the conversation about female-fertility to encompass all phases of life - NOT just baby-making. Our conversation does just that - with a strong emphasis on peri- and post menopause transitions. I've never done an interview like this - I hope you find it insightful and please pass along to women in your life who might benefit.

Listen to the full episode here.

Be Free From Hormonal Symptoms and Tune-In to Your Inner Compass (Recording Inside)

Two years ago I closed the doors to my clinical practice in New York, NY and transitioned to remote consulting. In doing so, I've been able to hone in on the specific tools to help women transform symptoms, break-free from limiting beliefs and step-in to a life of purpose.

It's been amazing.

When women begin the journey of transforming hormonal symptoms, their whole world opens up. And vice-versa. When a women is in alignment with her truth and deeply lit-up by her life, her hormones (and health) fall into balance. This seemingly effortless effect is not random, and when harnessed, women have the ability to unlock limitless wisdom and potential in any moment - because of their hormones.

I've learned these truths from my work with women, my studies and my own healing journey. Over the years I've identified key patterns within women's health so that any woman can vividly step into a life on purpose and free from symptoms.

Learn how in my first-ever Tele-Class Recording below.


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Find Hormonal Balance AND Intuitive Connection Through Fire and Water

Find Hormonal Balance AND Intuitive Connection Through Fire and Water

I speak to my community and my clients a lot about the link between female reproductive hormones and intuition - the combination offers up guidance for your health and life decisions.  My own intuitive guidance and my fifteen-plus years experience in women's health have proved this theory time and time again. Additionally, the wisdom of Chinese Medicine has a very practical way of verifying this claim through it's knowledge of the heart-kidney connection.

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Optimizing Fertility at Any Age

There are many good reasons women decide to delay having children until their mid-to-late thirties, one of which is usually not enhanced fertile health. Women today are inundated with reasons as to why it will be more difficult – if not impossible – to conceive after the age of thirty-five. And, yet, we know from the ancient wisdom of Chinese Medicine (and other traditional healing systems) that a woman’s fertility is not simply a spiral downward, diminishing with each passing month from menarche to menopause, but that she has the capacity to actually increase her fertile health as she ages.

What to know how?  Hop on over to Dr. Carly Snyder's blog, where I illustrate the five steps for optimizing fertility if you want to get pregnant right now or to lay a healthy foundation for pregnancy later in life.

Read the full article here.