Erin Interviewed on MD For Moms

In my July 2016 Interview with Dr. Carly Snyder, I discuss the importance of Gut Health - and not just for women struggling with digestive symptoms. Our entire system, including hormone balance and mood regulation, relies on good digestion for nutrient absorption and assimilation. In my interview, I'll discuss:

  • Why Gut Health is the foundation of systemic health
  • How Chinese Medicine has known this for thousands of years
  • Six easy ways to improve your digestive balance today

I hope you'll check it out and pass it on!

In health,



Welcome! I'm so glad you stopped by...

Welcome! I'm so glad you stopped by...

Hello! My name is Erin and I am the proud mama to those two adorable little girls in that photo up there, wife to the amazingly talented and inspirational artist Borbay, and a deeply passionate women's health and wellness practitioner. I founded this virtual practice out of my love for educating and inspiring others to step into their most blissful life, by owning their health.

In 2015, I closed my brick and mortar practice in the heart of New York City after seven years, to embark upon a sabbatical with my family. We traveled, explored, played and visioned. About half way through our year on the road, I began to study with some mentors and work with clients remotely. Both of these experiences enriched my life in ways that surprised me. Click to read more about my transition from brick-and-morter clinical work to engaging in phone-consulting with clients.

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Wild Fermenting At Home

Wild Fermenting At Home

Learn how to make these scrumptious, savory and probiotic dill-carrots at home - and why you'd want to (hint: think lifelong vibrant health!).

Lacto-fermentation is a craft that has been used for literally centuries to not only preserve food but also to increase nutrient content and improve digestion. Recently, wild fermentation has made a comeback into the modern nutritional landscape by both the health-conscious community and in food manufacturing.

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Rebuilding the Gut (Part 3 of 4)

Rebuilding the Gut (Part 3 of 4)

It might seem far-fetched to fathom that so many modern ailments can be linked with some level of gut dysbiosis: flora imbalance, food intolerance or other digestive distress resulting in inflammation and poor nutrient absorption. But, it's true. Chinese Medicine has known for centuries how important the role of the digestive system is based on proper functioning of the Spleen and Stomach - an energetic system linked to pretty much every pathology (and physiology) imaginable within the scope of TCM. Science is even starting to prove it.  So how does it all get out of balance in the first place?

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Dirt & Bugs: Probiotics as the Root of Health (Part 1 of 4)

Dirt & Bugs: Probiotics as the Root of Health (Part 1 of 4)

The nature of being alive means we are in constant motion, down to the molecular level. It also means our boundary with the outside world isn't as severe as we might like to think. Our entire digestive tract is filled with multi-strain living bacterial organisms - most of which are there to keep us healthy.

In "Part 1" of my Gut Health Series, we'll explore the good guys, the bad guys and why our Gut Flora matters more than almost any other “health treatment” out there.

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