Our Inheritance: Generations of Gut Flora (Part 2 of 4)

Our Inheritance: Generations of Gut Flora (Part 2 of 4)

Just like all other living things, beneficial bacteria need to be inoculated, fed and cultivated. We can inoculate (or, start) and proliferate our own digestive flora through eating probiotic rich (alive) foods and taking supplements, but our initial foundation for probiotic growth was at birth, and has been passed down for generations. Yes, generations. Your great-grandmother’s gut flora played a role in the formation of yours. We'll explore this fascinating process in Part 2 of my Gut Health Series and learn how to lay a healthy foundation for future generations to come.

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Dirt & Bugs: Probiotics as the Root of Health (Part 1 of 4)

Dirt & Bugs: Probiotics as the Root of Health (Part 1 of 4)

The nature of being alive means we are in constant motion, down to the molecular level. It also means our boundary with the outside world isn't as severe as we might like to think. Our entire digestive tract is filled with multi-strain living bacterial organisms - most of which are there to keep us healthy.

In "Part 1" of my Gut Health Series, we'll explore the good guys, the bad guys and why our Gut Flora matters more than almost any other “health treatment” out there.

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