Erin Interviewed on MD For Moms

In my July 2016 Interview with Dr. Carly Snyder, I discuss the importance of Gut Health - and not just for women struggling with digestive symptoms. Our entire system, including hormone balance and mood regulation, relies on good digestion for nutrient absorption and assimilation. In my interview, I'll discuss:

  • Why Gut Health is the foundation of systemic health
  • How Chinese Medicine has known this for thousands of years
  • Six easy ways to improve your digestive balance today

I hope you'll check it out and pass it on!

In health,



Ten Ways to Eat Your Probiotics (Part 4 of 4)

Ten Ways to Eat Your Probiotics (Part 4 of 4)

In this post, you'll learn 10 easy ways you can increase your probiotic flora through food - a simple and affordable solution to long term digestive health. I’ll also throw in a few suggestions for intestinal lining help, too. Enjoy!

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