Minty Green Smoothie and Parisian Salmon Salad

Minty Green Smoothie and Parisian Salmon Salad

Culinary Wellness Chef, Marti Wolfson, has compiled TWO of her delicious and nutritious recipes for you to enjoy. They are full of bright, healthy ingredients that are the perfect addition to any spring table (or cleanse), and they are super simple to make. Enjoy!

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Reassembling Our Hormonal Puzzle - Guest Post On Kelly Brogan MD

There is a significant disconnect today in the world of women’s health. In many traditional healing systems, women’s wisdom was passed down between grandmothers and mothers, daughters and sisters. Female fertility, menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, breast-feeding, post partum and menopause were spoken about, learned and embraced. Women empowered one another, allowing them to thrive in their own physiology and make appropriate choices in service of their health.

Somewhere along the way, this conversation among women vanished, leaving us confused, overwhelmed and in fear of our own cycles, fertility and bodies. Many of us turn our hormones over to prescription birth control (myself included for nearly a decade). We’ve willingly relinquished our birthright of knowledge, and I believe women are suffering because of it.

Continuing reading over at Kelly Brogan MD's informative site where I illustrate six key benefits for reconnecting to our hormonal physiology and my time-tested road map for balancing hormones naturally.

My Favorite "SuperFood"

My Favorite "SuperFood"

I'm not really a fan of the "superfood" revolution, as I believe variety is a key to health and that no single food-source has the ability to nourish us on its own – but gelatin might just be a close contender. My family and I turn to this nutrient daily, and I recommend it to most of my clients as part of their health routine. Learn the unique benefits of this nutrient dense food, how to source it and easily incorporate it into any daily regimen - adults and kids alike!

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Wild Fermenting At Home

Wild Fermenting At Home

Learn how to make these scrumptious, savory and probiotic dill-carrots at home - and why you'd want to (hint: think lifelong vibrant health!).

Lacto-fermentation is a craft that has been used for literally centuries to not only preserve food but also to increase nutrient content and improve digestion. Recently, wild fermentation has made a comeback into the modern nutritional landscape by both the health-conscious community and in food manufacturing.

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