What Your Period Is Trying to Tell You

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Katie Hess is one of my favorite people on the planet - her story, her passion, her flowers...many of you know how often I recommend her products clinically (and I use them daily). She is truly a modern alchemist. So when she asked me to join her for a second time on her Flowerlounge Podcast the only answer was an enthusiastic "yes"!

There is so much mystery in the world of women's health and physiology, and I'm passionate about women reclaiming this wisdom. If you struggle with painful periods, ever wondered what the symptoms surrounding your period really mean, or want a deeper connection with your hormonal rhythm, then please listen in and pass along to other women in your life who might benefit!

Symptom-free periods ARE possible, and not only is it important to take care of any imbalance to serve your immediate quality of life, but it will set you up for a lifetime of vibrant health and chronic disease prevention.

What you'll hear in this episode:

  • Eastern vs. Western approaches to the menstrual cycle
  • Way of working towards a symptom-free menstrual cycle: herbs, supplements, and practices!
  • The one supplement that everyone needs + why
  • What's the deal with the birth control pill?! Dangers of using it + safer, natural alternatives 
  • Noticing the Yin/Yang patterns in your cycle + how to use that information to harness your intuition, right timing + power each month
  • Erin's favorite supplements for hormonal + overall balance
  • A little bit of Western Science - the role of inflammation, blood sugar, and gut dysbiosis in hormonal imbalance (aka = PMS and painful periods)
  • Basic Foods, Herbs and Lifestyle to Support each of the phases with practical home remedies

How to Eat a Smoothie

How to Eat a Smoothie

Smoothies are a fun (and usually, delicious) way to enjoy all sorts of foods and superfoods pureed into one beverage. But despite their popularity over the years, smoothies should be enjoyed with caution - and in some cases, avoided entirely - especially when it comes to women's hormonal health.

Chinese Medicine nutritional therapy has a lot to say about the temperature and method of food consumption, and smoothies fall right into this important category. This post will explore the risks associated with regular smoothie consumption, and offer my step-by-step guide for incorporating smoothies into your healing strategy.

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